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Pickle, Side

Kamal Kakri Achaar (Lotus Root Pickle)

It sounds weird to prepare achaar from kamal kakri (lotus root), but it is really tasty and crunchy in texture.

Lotus roots are consumed as a vegetable in Asian countries, extensively in China, Japan, and India: sold whole or in cut pieces, fresh, frozen or canned. It has crunchy texture with sweet-tangy flavours, These are also promoted have purported diuretic, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties

Although traditional pickle is not considered healthy, lotus root pickle may give some mental satisfaction that you are eating a healthy vegetable.

Lotus roots are consumed as a vegetable in Asian countries, extensively in China, Japan, and India: sold whole or in cut pieces, fresh, frozen or canned. It has crunchy texture with sweet-tangy flavours, These are also promoted have purported diuretic, antidiabetic, and anti-inflammatory properties

Dip, Side

Chatpati Pineapple Chuteny (Hot, Sweet And Sour Pineapple Dip)

This hot, sweet and sour pineapple chutney is extremely good tasting, addictive and appealing. It can be eaten with virtually any snack or food and is very easy & quick to make. 

When I eat this amazing chutney, I just feel like heaven.I don’t want anything else. It’s very spicy and mouth watering. 

Try out this amazing chutney.

Breads, Breakfast, Dals, vegan

Moonglet (Vegetarian Lentil Omelette)

Nowadays More and more people are moving to plant based diets. A vegetarian or vegan eating pattern is one way to eat heart-healthy. Eating vegetarian food can help decrease LDL (“bad”) cholesterol levels and blood pressure.


Cream Of Zucchini Soup

The beauty of this soup is its delicate color, creamy texture and subtle taste. Cream is optional to make Cream of  Zucchini Soup because the natural texture of cooked zucchini blends into a thick, silky soup. If you prefer a more pronounced cheese flavor, use Gorgonzola instead of dolcelatte. 

Curry, Dals

Kala Chana Dry Curry

This is a very high protein and delicious dish! We always offer it in Durga puja (a Hindu holiday), because we believe Durga Ji loves it. This is easy to make, and a great snack or lunch. This recipe is also oil free, sugar-free, vegan and gluten free. In India we used to eat it quite often, and some people also add potatoes, tomatoes, and spices to make a thick curry and serve with rice.

dessert, Side, Snacks

Lauki Ki Barfi

This dessert is truly amazing! This time, I tried to make something healthier, so I came up with this lauki barfi. It sounds odd, but try this unique recipe out – somehow it works and tastes delicious! This would also be great if you are fasting.