Tag: delicious

Roasted strawberries with mascarpone cheese

Roasted Strawberries With Mascarpone Cheese

I always love to try different desserts especially made with seasonal fruits. This is the time when grocery stores will get lots of strawberries, so I started thinking of a dessert made from strawberries. Finally I came out with a dessert made from Strawberries, mascarpone cheese and cream. It is elegant, very tasty and easy to make. My family and  friends really loved this recipe. Try this mouthwatering sweet dish.

pasta, Salad

Orzo Salad With Vegetables

This is an easy to make and very healthy and tempting recipe. In this recipe, I used colorful vegetables, since I believe that when we eat a colourful dish, our body and mind feel good. It provides varied nutrition to the body and also refreshes the mind. You can also try different variations of this recipe like different pasta or different vegetables. This can be served hot or cold

Excellent dish to provide a kick start to you at lunch time.

dessert, Side

Apple Pudding (Halwa)

We recently went apple picking, and so I’ve been making a lot of apple juice. Something I realized is all the nutritious, fiber-filled pulp is going to waste right now and I wanted to try to make something new with it. From this came my apple halwa–it takes just ten minutes of preparation to create this elegant dessert. It’s also really filling, which makes it great for fasting since it’s filled with nuts, sugar, and of course the apple pulp.


Beet And Carrot With Apple Juice

Beet is a healthy vegetable and is anti inflammatory, contains  iron, is good for heart & liver and boost energy. So is the case with other ingredients in this recipe i.e. carrots, apple and ginger. Plenty of health benefit and a delicious flavor !!!

Dals, Lentil, Soup

Mixed beans , kale and vegetables Soup

This is a very healthy soup because of the multitude of calcium and vitamin A in the kale. The beans also are a great source of protein!